Did God Lie?

If I said I sent my son to the supermarket, and really meant I went to the supermarket myself, that would sound really strange, wouldn’t it? The same holds true with the statement above, if God said he sent his son and really meant he was actually going himself, it doesn’t make sense at all. Why would God say one thing and actually mean another — something completely different?

God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world… (Jn 3:17)                    

For one thing God has a personal name, it’s Yahweh. His ‘son’ also has a name, Yeshuah. If they were one in the same person why would they have different names? And why would Yahweh come to the world and pretend to be Yashuah, his son?

What would the point be in pretending? A parable or metaphor is one thing. These are stories or illustrations that are obviously told to make a point, and to make it clearer. But God saying that he sent his son, is literal. It is not a metaphor or parable or any such thing. Yet most of Christianity actually want you to believe that be saying that Jesus was actually God in the flesh. And what is more unbelievable than that is that since Jesus is God, then Mary is the mother of God! How can God have a mother?? But calling Jesus his son is then a type of metaphor.

Sons of God

By the way, Jesus was not the only one called a “son of God”. Adam was called the “son of God”, Moses was called a “son of God”, David was called a “son of God”, even Israel was called the “children of God”. Not only that, but all those who receive Jesus, he gives the power to “become the sons of God”. (joh 1:12) So being called the “son of God” does not  make Jesus… God. This is a title that God has given to those who have given their lives to God and trust and follow him.

What’s more is that there is a fulfillment of prophecy concerning the Messiah: “I will be his father, and he shall be my son.” (2Sa 7:14) What would the point be in God pretending to be his own son and coming to the world and maintaining this whole charade and even saying that he (God on earth) had a Father in heaven (God himself)?  

God and his son who stand for the Truth, the whole time pretending something different to all those that believe in him? He said that God was his Father. He said that God taught him everything that he knew. He said that he only did what his Father told him to do and spoke only the things that his Father told him to say. He said that his Father gave him all power and authority over all things. He said he came from his Father and would return to His Father.

Alright, now don’t they take this thing a little too far if they mean that Jesus is really God, but now he’s sitting at the right hand of his Father? Now if Jesus is really God, and he’s sitting at the right hand of… God? That’s really strange. He’s sitting at the right hand of… himself? Christianity pushes this concept on it’s believers and since it is a doctrine that is so hard to swallow, they teach that it’s a “mystery”. I can’t see how such a simple, literal, logical thing can be a mystery. Actually that’s the excuse that they put on their strange doctrine of the “Trinity” since it is so hard for people to understand — and with good reason!


The three major religions of the world, Christianity, Judaism and Islam all are rooted in the same history and pray to the same God… supposedly. However, Judaism and Islam, though they reverence Jesus Christ as a great man of God, they in no way embrace him as God. In fact, though most of them actually believe everything that Jesus taught as inspired by God, they see no evidence in his teaching that Jesus was actually God.

The fact is that if you read their teachings, you will find that they actually prove from the New Testament that Jesus is not God. Probably the one thing that separates Christianity from the rest of the world is its exclusivity. Their doctrine of the Trinity that Jesus is God makes them the “only true” religion in the world. It’s not a wonder that Christianity is rejected by them.

So now, tell me why would God come to earth as a man, pretending to be his own son and then return to Heaven and let everyone think that he, as his own son, is sitting at the right hand of his own Father (himself). It’s ludicrous, don’t you think?


Next: Who Was Jesus Part 3 | How Many Gods?

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