
During my early years studying the Bible and trying to discover why certain things happened to me that hurt me so badly, certain people recommended that I just don’t worry about it or question it, but just put it up on a shelf for later. That didn’t help a whole lot, it just served to prolong the pain. I suppose it was meant to defer that date to a time so far off that I might just forget about it — but I never did completely forget.

Finally, I decided that since there was no one else that could help me, the time had come (decades later) to take those things down from the shelf and start taking a good look at them and analyzing them and trying to find answers that would bring me peace to my soul. I had gone to religious leaders, Christian writings and even the Bible. I found no relief or answers that I had been looking for. I looked up and all around but the answers never came.

The answers are not “out there” or up there or anywhere else — the answers come from deep, deep down inside.

The only place I never thought of looking was deep inside. That’s when I really started finding answers. In the beginning the answers weren’t of the kind I was expecting. As time went on I began being able to to see more clearly what was true and what was untrue, what was right and what was wrong. I began to see more readily the reality of the Truth became like a filter that allowed me to sift through all the theological rubble and end up with only the gold.

As someone once said:

Words are real things, they lift up or they tear down, they bless or they curse — “By Thy Words Shalt Thou Be Justified or By Thy Words Shalt Thou Be Condemned!” (Mat12:37)

This may come as a surprise to you readers, but the answers I needed didn’t come from the bible, theology, religious teachers, or preachers. The answers came from deep down inside the quietness of my own soul. The answers are not “out there” or up there or anywhere else — the answers come from deep, deep down inside.

Next: Belief

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