
The World is in Great Darkness

I see the world in gross darkness. People are so sure that they have the truth, but they make no effort to prove it. There are literally thousands of religions in the world, and all of whom consider theirs to be the right one, but they can’t possibly ALL be. And why are there so many if the truth is one? What is the real truth?

  • Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it. (Isaiah 30:21)

If people did a deep search and critically questioned their religion with a sincere heart, they would discover that many things they consider to be true are not true at all. Most people take for granted everything that they hear from their pulpits, read from their bibles (if they DO even read them) and other religious materials, and assume all, or most, are all perfectly true. If they took a hard, honest look they would most likely get a real shock.

  • “And after the fire came a still, small voice (1kgs 19:12)

What I hope is that this site will be a source of answers for those who are searching for what I call the REAL TRUTH.

Don’t just take for granted things you have always been taught — analyze, question, search and pray for your own answers.

Who am I? I am just someone who believes that I have the right to my own beliefs just as anyone else does. That’s what I call real freedom. Why should I have to believe what just anyone says who calls themselves an authority or have a special title or… whatever?

God: Logic, Reason and Rationality

When I look all around me at all of God’s creation I see a true consistency in everything. I see logic, reason, and rational behavior in everything that God has created. Why should I not then, assume that God, whom I can not see and I must take on faith, has those very same attributes?

Why must I believe and accept someone else’s interpretation of what God is like when they get their ideas all from others who have gotten their ideas from those who have an idea of what God is like from their own interpretation of the Bible or others? The Bible itself says:

  • For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made

What that verse means to me is that we know what God is like by looking at the things he’s made. I haven’t seen anything in God’s creation that is not logical, unreasonable or irrational. You can always rely on nature to always be logical.

If it doesn’t seem logical, it’s because we just don’t understand it. Real Truth can withstand any test of Logic — Logic is the ultimate test of whether a thing is true or not. Truth is based on fact. If a concept is lacking in fact it will fail the test of Logic.

Real Truth can withstand any test of Logic — Logic is the ultimate test of whether a thing is true or not.

If God is real, then he is everywhere and in everything, including in us. I believe that deep, deep down inside the heart of each and every person is the source of truth that comes from from God. He’s there, and if you sincerely desire to know the real truth, it will be given to you.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. (Mat 5:6)

If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. (Jn 7:37)

and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. (Jn 8:32)

Next : Was Jesus a Christian?

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