The Lord’s Servant

Many or Few, Countable Words: Periods with an End — Not Eternal

Luke 12:47-48 speaks of the Lord punishing his servants at his return for them with “Many” or “Few” stripes. These words are countable, for example: Many could mean 100 and few could mean 10. 

Now frequently these passages have been interpreted as the “servants” being literal slaves and “lord” is interpreted as slave owners. This would justify slave owners to whip their slaves with few or many “stripes” if their slaves were disobedient. However, for this article “lord” is interpreted as God and “servant” is interpreted as the believer. A figurative interpretation seems to be more accurate, since slavery in its literal form is extremely evil and is not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.

And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. (Luke 12:47-4)

Could “at his return” mean when God returns for them at the end of their life? No one knows when the Lord will come for his servants:

Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not. (Lk 12:40)

Whether you interpret the punishment as Hell or not, or whether you interpret servants to be believers or not, is beside the point. The point is that the “stripes” or punishment is countable which means that there is an end to the punishment — whatever punishment that is.

Punishment of Lord’s Servant Has an End — NOT Eternal

Christians believe there is an actual place called Hell and that’s where only unbelievers go — for eternity! However, Believers also may go to the same place as unbelievers, according to Jesus. The following verse is an example of just that:

The lord of that servant (a believer) will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. (Lk 12:46)

“That servant” is referring to a believer, because it says “his portion with the unbelievers”. In addition to that, it says “the lord of that servant”, unmistakably referring to believers! In verse 46 Jesus speaks of the servant or the believer being appointed his portion.

A portion is a part in the punishment with the unbelievers. A part could not be eternal, even if it were referring to the punishment of Hell (which it’s not).

According to Luke, believers take part in a punishment together with unbelievers. If this was actually spoken by Jesus, and Hell actually exists, that means that belief in Jesus is not enough to save one from Hell. Fortunately, IF this were actually true, there is an end to the punishment since the believer’s part is a “portion” and then the punishment ends. But that’s according to Luke.

The ONLY thing that Jesus could possibly be referring to is being “born again” to give that “servant” another chance to get it right and make amends for the things done or not done in his body.

People Don’t Use Their Critical Reasoning Power

Christians assume that Hell is a place that actually exists and that it’s a place where unbelievers in Jesus go, no matter how good they’ve been — forever! If it’s actually a place of eternal fire and torment, then many believers will go there too! Christians assume this because that’s what they’ve heard from pulpits and accept everything they say without question. They never stop and use their own brains and sense of critical reasoning to determine if this is actually true or not.

Hell is an eternity of anguish — no second chances! If you were born in the wrong place; in a non-christian family; whether you’ve done good works or lived a righteous life or not, you’re going there for an eternity of unimaginable anguish if you don’t believe God raised Jesus from the dead.

There is No Such Place as Hell

Fortunately, there is no such place in the Bible, or in reality. It’s a concept invented by churchmen to create fear in people with the motive of obtaining control over the minds of the masses, making it easier to get converts and getting their money.

What is true is that there ARE second chances — MANY of them. God is a merciful, kind and loving Father who would NEVER send his children to a horrible fate such as Hell, much less for eternity!

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.(Mat7:21)

That’s why Jesus said:

Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (Jn 3:5)

Reincarnation: Being Born Again!

Being born again is exactly that: a second chance — it has nothing to do with becoming a so-called “born-again Christian”. It is literally about the soul being re-born into a new creature, with a new life — a chance to start all over from scratch and try to get it right the second time and learn the lessons needed in the process of perfection, and you get as many chances as you need!

That’s the blessing of Reincarnation!

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Mat 5:48)

About the Lord’s Servant

Perhaps the “portion” that Jesus was referring to with the Lord’s servant was those servants — the believers — that weren’t ready when he came back for them, and they had to hear him say: “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” …plus whatever goes with that, most likely something in the next life.

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Many Christians will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (Many believers will say this)

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. (Mat 7:21-23)

And there are many so-called “born-again believers” who “work iniquity”. But only the righteous will hear: “Well done thou good and faithful servant… enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Mat 25:21)

And these (unfaithful servants) shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Mat 25:46)

By the way, “everlasting” is a mistranslation, it should be something like “age lasting”. (See: Aion Means Age)

Next: Reincarnation 2 | Born-Again Christian

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