Mary Magdalene: Companion of Jesus Part 1

Mary Magdalene was constantly with Jesus all throughout his ministry. If she wasn’t actually married to him she was most likely either his lover or a very close companion at the least. She was constantly with his family. Jesus loved her brother and sister.

The disciples called her his companion and said that he even kissed her on the mouth frequently.

What most Christians will disagree with me on is that it is very possible that Jesus had children with her. Since Jesus was not God and therefore a man just as any other, what would keep him from marrying, having sex and children like any other normal man?

Here is the reasoning behind this. Was Isaiah 53 about Jesus or not? Now I’m not saying that it IS about Jesus, but most Christians believe that it is. If it WAS, then according to the prophecy, Jesus had descendants. What is even stranger is that how is it that if Jesus were God as they claim he is, then how is it that an eternal God has to prolong his own days? Either this passage is not about Jesus, or Jesus was not God.

Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. (Isa 53:10)

If Isaiah 53 was about Jesus, then his days were “prolonged”. Does that mean that he wasn’t crucified? Or does that mean that Jesus lived longer than only 33 years that theologians tell us. Or maybe he wasn’t raised from the dead and ascend into heaven. If he lived out the rest of his life then he had plenty of time to have had a family and children.

The reason he might have had descendants is because it says “he shall see his seed”. Either the “suffering servant” wasn’t a prophecy about Jesus or he survived the execution and went on to have children… or both: Isaiah 53 wasn’t about Jesus and he didn’t really die.

Side note: As you will notice, I quote passages from four different Gospels: Philip, Mary Magdalene, the Nazirenes and Thomas. I realize the Church doesn’t recognize these as legitimate gospels, but then there is much evidence that the New Testament has been heavily corrupted and there are no original manuscripts to corroborate its inerrancy.

There would be seem to be little reason to corrupt the gospels that didn’t make it into the canon, but seeing that the New Testament has great authority in the eyes of most Christians and much influence over masses of people, the motive to heavily corrupt it seems to have been great. I would think it likely that there is as high, if not a higher percentage of truth in the gospels that did not make it than there is in the New Testament.

But I think each one should have the prerogative to decide for one’s self what is most likely true and what is not. The following passages are merely quotes from these gospels and just like the New Testament, there is no way to know for sure if these things are true or not. They are just bits of information that are interesting to contemplate that may be true.

Mary Magdalene the companion of Jesus

There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary. (Gospel of Philip)

Mary Magdalene kissed by Jesus

As for the Wisdom who is called “the barren,” she is the mother of the angels. And the companion of the […] Mary Magdalene. […] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her mouth. The rest of the disciples […]. They said to him Why do you love her more than all of us?” The Savior answered and said to them,”Why do I not love you like her? (Gospel of Philip)

Mary Magdalene was loved more than the other disciples

Peter said to Mary, Sister we know that the Savior loved you more than the rest of women*. (Gospel of Mary Magdalene 5:5)

Mary Magdalene as Jesus bride compared to his church

Again I say to you, I and My Bride are one, even as Mary Magdalene, whom I have chosen and sanctified as a type, is one with Me; I and my Congregation are One. And the Congregation is the elect of humanity for the rebirth of all. (Gospel of the Nazarenes 65:10)

Mary Magdalene with Jesus and his family

After this He went down to Capernaum, He and his mother, with Mary Magdalene, and his brothers, and his disciples; and they continued there for many days. (Gospel of the Nazarenes 12:6)

Male disciples of Jesus are jealous of Mary Magdalene

Simon Peter said to them, “Make Mary leave us, for females don’t deserve life.” Jesus said, “Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven.” (Gospel of Thomas 114)

Mary Magdalene and the life of Jesus

When He was eighteen years old, Yeshua was married to Miriam, a virgin of the tribe of Judah with whom He lived seven years. (Gospel of the Nazirenes 6:13)

Again I say to you, I and My Bride are one, even as Mary Magdalene, whom I have chosen and sanctified as a type, is one with Me… (Gospel of the Nazirenes 65:10)

There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary, his mother, and her sister, and Magdalene, the one who was called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary. (Gospel of Philip)

And the companion of the [Savior] Mary Magdalene. [He] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her mouth. (Gospel of Philip)

Next: Who Was Jesus Part 1 | Mary Magdalene: Companion of Jesus Part 2

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