God is Not Invisible Part 2

The majority of people have the wrong idea of what God really is. In part one, we saw how it is apparent that the God or gods who created man is not invisible, has some sort of material body and is even genetically compatible with man. This is all evident from the writings in the Bible alone and nothing outside the Bible.

In this part, we’ll see more evidence of the likeness to man that God is. It is taught in many religions that God is all-powerful, all-knowing and in all places at the same time. Remember, we’re talking about the god that created Man.

In the very first book that talks about the creation of Man, God gets tired and has to rest from the is work on the seventh day of creation. If God didn’t have a physical body with the “likeness” of Man who was created in His image and with his likeness and is all powerful, how is it that he is getting tired? You might say it’s all symbolic and not literal. Well, the Creation story is taught in church as a literal story and in some religions people are supposed to keep the Sabbath or the seventh day out of respect to the day that God rested from his work.

“And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” (Gen 2:3)

In the book of Ezekiel chapter one, God travels in a sort of space craft to take him from place to place. If God is not a physical being, and is in all places and sees and knows everything, how is it that He has to travel in a UFO?

In Judges, God couldn’t defeat the enemy because they had chariots of iron. It appears that God wasn’t all-powerful here:

“And the Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.” (Judges 1:19)

It has been said that God couldn’t defeat them because of a lack of faith on the part of Judah, however is you read the whole chapter you’ll see that Judah had lots of faith. They were defeating enemies right and left! That very verse said that the “Lord was with Judah”. It seems the problem was with God and not Judah.

The Missing Link

Everyone has heard of the so-called “missing link”. The missing link has never been found because it doesn’t exist. Scientists are frequently finding missing links but they’re always being revealed to be hoaxes. There are many fossils that have been found but it’s nearly impossible to tell if they were actually the ancestors of modern man.

Man is supposed to have evolved from an extinct ape, but there have never been found any legitimate fossils that show an evolutionary path between Man and the ape. Maybe the ape evolved, but seeing there is no link between Man and his evolutionary ancestor, how is it that he just all of a sudden appeared? Even if you believe in evolution, it seems that man didn’t evolve… much. And the idea that “God” shaped man from a lump of clay is not a reasonable assumption either. So, somehow Man was created, and in a relatively very short time.

It seems that whoever or whatever “God” (or the gods) were, had a significant role in the sudden appearance of Man on this planet called Earth. And this entity was in no way invisible and had extremely advanced technologies to be able to begin a race of creatures such as Man, hundreds of thousands of years ago — let alone teaching him new skills and keeping him from becoming just another one of the extinct species. Who could it possibly have been? And where are they now?

Next: More Articles | Substitutionary Atonement

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