About This Web Site

I think religion, for some, is just something to give them an explanation for what this is all about and to make them feel good about it. And that’s okay. For others it’s a way to keep people in line, morally. And that’s okay too, I suppose. After all, there are lots of people who go around killing others and doing bad things to others.

There have to be some institutions to make rules and regulations, do’s and don’ts, to keep people from hurting others. Many people need to learn that they need to love their fellow man and other creatures and the whole Earth, and take care of the Earth from where our bodies came and to where our bodies will return.

But then there are those who are smarter and more powerful and deceitful than most, who will take advantage of religion and shape it into what they want it to be for their own selfish and evil purposes. They use religion to control and manipulate men’s minds for power and wealth. To these, religion is a very useful tool for their own ends. They pretend to be something they are not, to be able to deceive others in order to get what they want out of people.

BeLIEving a lie is the same as being deceived


Many religions, if not most, have been invented, shaped and corrupted by the very ones who are causing innocent people to believe lies.

Believing a lie is the same as being deceived.

Believing is a way of trying to make sense of something that there is no obvious explanation for and as a way of helping us all in this experience called life, to accept and feel better about things we have no way to know all the “why’s and wherefore’s” in the mysteries of it all. And that’s okay, it’s not a perfect solution, but it helps a lot.

But believing something that is not true is the same as being deceived. And there are those who will leverage this belief system to convince people of things that are not true to get control and to manipulate susceptible people who are just struggling to get through life — economically, emotionally and with a whole lot of  difficulties.

The Main Focus

My main focus of this website is revealing many of the falsehoods religious leaders have developed over hundreds of years, specifically Christianity and the New Testament of the Bible, in their effort to cause people to believe in things that are not true with the intention of deceiving the masses with what they call “God’s inerrant Word”. Sometimes it the leaders of these religions are just innocently deceived, like Jesus said: “If the blind be leaders of the blind, they both fall into the ditch.”

This writing is in no way an exhaustive study on all the ways the Bible has been forged, corrupted, misused, misinterpreted and taken out of context in order to take advantage of susceptible, uninformed people. But I am trying to focus on many parts of it that have been used very frequently to deceive and manipulate.

So the main purpose of this site is to expose the Truth, as I see it, to the world in order to help others who have gone through similar things I have gone through because of the huge amount of lies that have been disseminated over the centuries.

Goal for this site:

    • Use few and straight to the point scriptures to prove point.
    • Try to use short, succinct articles that prove one point.
    • Be not tied to any religion.
    • Be flexible and truthful.
    • When convinced something is not correct, change it.
    • Stay open.
    • Use the Real Truth to set people free from religious untruths.
    • Think critically and always question.


I am trying as much as possible to keep all my references from inside the Bible itself (comparing it to itself) and using as little outside material as much as possible. However, since most of the New Testament is supposedly inspired by the Jewish Scriptures, I have used some influence from Jewish sources. This is because the New testament is supposed to be corroborated by and the fulfillment of Old Testament writings.

In many places I use quotes from the Gospel of the Nazirenes, since many of its passages are almost identical to passages in Matthew’s Gospel of the Hebrews that the Nazarenes and Ebionites used exclusively, which we know from the church fathers’ writings existed, but is now not extant. I also use ideas from individuals who use critical thinking similar to my own. However, I try to steer clear of materials written by people who use untruths to make their points.

The whole point of this site is to find the Real Truth and expose it to the world, or at least provoke people to use their critical thinking and reevaluate their beliefs and finally, to show how religion has negatively affected my life and why I no longer consider myself to be a Christian.

There are a few quotes that I have used, that seem very pertinent to make my point, and I have tried to cite references and give them their credit.  Included are a few quotes from or about the church fathers themselves. Finally, most of what I write are from my own thoughts I have gathered over the years through much study — mostly from the Bible itself.

Some Missing References

If you look up certain quotes from references I have supplied, you may not be able to find them any more since some of these articles were written 12 years ago, and someone would like to hide the Truth that I have uncovered. Just as the Gospel of the Hebrews that was written by Matthew the disciple of Jesus was destroyed or hidden so the real Truth about the Bible could not be discovered, so some of these nuggets of Truth have been corrupted so that the Truth be not revealed. But rest assured, the few quotes you may be unable to find were there before.

As I go through the articles, updating and correcting them, I have found that some of the quotes that I can’t locate any more — someone has removed them or changed them. But those quotes are what I had originally found — 12 years ago — while doing my research for these writings.

The church fathers, though they have much to say against the early Jewish Christians, used some quotes from the writings of early Christians that the church has hidden, destroyed or corrupted — but most of the quotes were original and not yet corrupted as are many of the more recent copies that are still at hand.


You will find, as you read along, parts marked “Opinion”. These are (you guessed it) my personal opinions that may or may not be right — just observations that I thought were interesting at the time, that may or may not necessarily be required for the completion of any logic or reason.

Gospel of the Nazirenes (AKA: Gospel of the Twelve [Disciples])

Though I have no way of “proving” that these writings are actually what the translator says they are, I have used some of the quotes anyway, since many passages just “ring true”. Like I have said before, the real Truth comes from deep inside, there is just somehow a knowing, and not just a belief — you don’t know how you know, you just know.

So I have included many of these passages with references, because, many times, they just reflect my instincts of what is True. Critics of this gospel may say the Gospel of the Nazirenes seems like it’s been plagiarized since many verses and passages from it seem to have been copied and pasted word for word from the Bible — that may well be — I have no way of knowing. I want to be sincere about this.

However, bible scholars tell us they believe that the authors of the Bible had another source that they borrowed from, which though is no longer extant. The Gospel of the Hebrews or the “Gospel of the Nazirenes” may have been the sources for much of the four Gospels. There may have even been several others. Moreover, there are many gospels written by disciples and followers of Jesus that were not included in the bible — for whatever reasons.

Opinion: The reason these other gospels have much similarity to the famous four Gospels is it could be that the translator, being very familiar with the Bible, found quotes or parts of quotes that he was translating, in the Bible, and he just copied the parts that were already translated into English.

Opinion: In other words, it could be just the other way around: the authors of the New Testament may have used sections of this gospel (and others), since it was already familiar to many early Christians of the time, and borrowed parts of it that went along with the doctrines of Christianity of that time, and left the rest out — the parts that they didn’t like, or the emperor didn’t like, or that didn’t go along with the doctrines that the state church of the time wanted to push on the people.

There are many quotes in the Gospel of the Nazirenes that are identical or almost identical to the passages found therein that the church fathers quoted from Matthew’s Gospel of the Hebrews that we know existed (but have since been destroyed, lost or hidden).

We know that Matthew’s Gospel of the Hebrews actually existed since the church fathers quoted from it. There are many passages from Nazirenes that seem to be authentic, since they are found in other writings, the Bible included. So, when it comes to quotes from the Gospel of the Nazirenes, take them for what you will. The quotes I have used from this gospel, like I say, “ring True”, to me. Many other parts of it I just don’t know, to be sincere, and I just didn’t include them. But some of the passages seem as though they were cut out of the Gospels and fit in perfectly completing and explaining more clearly teachings that are already there. 

The Holy Bible

The majority of the quotes I have tried to use as much as possible are from the Authorized King James version of the “Holy Bible”. I use it mainly because this is the bible I was raised on and am accustomed to it. You may find a few samplings of other translations of the Bible, just to try to get a good idea of what the passage or words actually meant in the original.

“It is clear to me that the writings of the Christians are a lie, and that your fables are not well-enough constructed to conceal this monstrous fiction: I have even heard that some of your interpreters, as if they had just come out of a tavern, are onto the inconsistencies and, pen in hand, alter the originals writings, three, four and several more times over in order to be able to deny the contradictions in the face of criticism.” (Celsus 178 CE)

“Orthodox theologians were tempted, by the assurance of impunity, to compose fictions, which must be stigmatized with the epithets of fraud and forgery. They ascribed their own polemical works to the most venerable names of Christian antiquity.“(Edward Gibbon, History of Christianity, p. 598)

Next: God: Logic, Reason And Rationality

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