Tag Archives: Trinity
Christ or Messiah?
Those disciples were Greek converted by Paul. This conversion was decades after the crucifixion. Paul never met Jesus. The word Christ is Greek and was adopted by the Greek writers into their Gospels. Why is it that the Jewish Messiah is always referred to as Jesus, the Christ and never Jesus the Messiah? Continue reading
Executed for Insurrection Part 1
History Written by the Winners It has been said: “There are two sides to every story.” In the story I refer to, there is the way it actually happened and there is another story that may have been written in … Continue reading
The Trinity and Serapis Christus
And it came to pass, that a whole year _they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)
Evidently, the name Christian was born from the association with worshipers of the Serapis “Christus” cult. It was said that the Bishops of the cult were called “Christians”. It appears that some of the concepts of the Christianity were adopted from cult of Serapis Christus: the name Christianity, the Trinity (three in one god Serapis) and Bishops. The word bishop was not known with the early Jewish believers. Religious leaders of the early church were known as priests or rabbi, as it had been for many years before. Continue reading
Believe On or Believe In?
What is the difference between Everlasting Life and Salvation? Or is there a difference? Why are these terms different for the same concept? Or are they the same? I guess to most people, they could care less. However, if they have the same meaning then there is a great contradiction here.
If they are different, then there is something here that we haven’t seen before. It’s not a wonder most people don’t study and try to understand the bible for themselves, it takes a bible scholar with a doctorate degree to understand some of it. So people just leave the interpreting to the guys with the credentials and accept what they have to say as God-sent truth.
According to Jesus, Everlasting Life is obtained by keeping the commandments and doing good works. According to Paul, salvation is merely believing and one cannot be saved by good works which we have done, but belief only is “accounted” for righteousness. Apparently, salvation is being saved from Hell. The concept of Hell is foreign to the Bible. Maybe this is the reason Jesus preferred to use the term eternal life.
This is a direct contradiction of a basic concept. To make things more complicated, Jesus says in one of the gospels, “He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” So in this place it seems that Jesus is agreeing with Paul in that all you have to do is believe. Weather or not he actually said those exact words is a different story.
But then in other places he says clearly that you have to keep his commandments and do good works to enter into life. What is one to believe? It’s not a wonder that people leave it up to the clergy to get their truth.
The Trinity and Serapis Christus
And it came to pass, that a whole year _they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)
Evidently, the name Christian was born from the association with worshipers of the Serapis “Christus” cult. It was said that the Bishops of the cult were called “Christians”. It appears that some of the concepts of the Christianity were adopted from cult of Serapis Christus: the name Christianity, the Trinity (three in one god Serapis) and Bishops. The word bishop was not known with the early Jewish believers. Religious leaders of the early church were known as priests or rabbi, as it had been for many years before. Continue reading
Because Jesus is Not God
Because Jesus is not God: this means the church fathers had to have invented some incredibly huge lies to deceive millions if not billions of people all over the world throughout the last 20 centuries or so. This has to be one of the reasons there are so many contradictions and inconsistencies in the bible.
But there shall arise after you, men of perverse minds who shall through ignorance or through craft, suppress many things which I have spoken unto you, and lay to me things which I never taught, sowing tares among the good wheat which I have given you to sow in the world. (Gospel of the Nazarenes 44:7)
the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, and set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress the peoples, and cause the enemy to blaspheme, putting for my doctrines the opinions of men, and teaching in my Name that which I have not taught, and darkening much that I have taught by their traditions. (Gospel of the Nazarenes 95:4)
The declarations here are so incredibly huge that it is almost unbelievable to be true. However, so many Christians have heard just the opposite so many times that they believe it and would not even think of questioning it. After all, it’s what the Church teaches and “the Church could never be wrong”.
The Trinity – Doctrine of Delusion
From the overwhelming evidence that reveals that the orthodox church has corrupted the scriptures by incorporating the doctrine of the Trinity into them is sufficient motive not only to not believe this false doctrine, but also to reject and doubt any other scripture that leads one in this direction.
From what the church fathers have said, and the most recent discoveries of manuscripts about the very first believers in Jesus was that they didn’t believe Jesus was God nor did there occur a so-called miraculous virgin birth, let alone the trinity that they had never even heard of. It was their position that the gospels were being corrupted by the Roman church and they fought to conserve its purity despite persecution.
Many modern day scholars have found substantial amounts of evidence that confirms what the early Jewish believers had been saying. Even as early as the first and second centuries the gospels were being corrupted to fit the doctrines of the new developing church of Rome.
How Many Gods?
Those that defend the doctrine of the Trinity use verses to prove that since there is “only one God”, then Jesus must in fact be capital “g”: God. (Just for reference sake, when I say “person” in this article I am not referring to a human being but a person in the grammatical sense of the word or as an entity, especially since God is a spirit, or whatever he is, and not human.)
Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I [am] the first, and I [am] the last; and beside me no God… Is there a God beside me? yea, [there is] no God; I know not [any]. (Isa 44:6-8)
I [am] the LORD, and none else, no God beside me… (Isa 45:5)
…and no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; none beside me. …Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I [am] God, and none else. (Isa 45:21-22)
…and thou shalt know no god but me: for no saviour beside me. (Hos 13:4)