Tag Archives: iniquity

The Kingdom of God Part 4

What Will Keep You from Entering the Kingdom of God? Unrighteousness It seems that at times in Jesus’ teachings those who are originally considered to be “the Lord’s Servant” as the kingdom, maybe the Jews, religious people, etc. But just … Continue reading

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Why the Jews Reject Jesus as Messiah

Why do the Jews not accept Jesus as the Messiah?

Don’t the Jews believe that Jesus was a prophet and a Rabbi sent from God? They do. Don’t they believe in doing good works? They do. According to Jesus those who do this “go into life eternal”. If you don’t believe me read it for yourself: Mat 25:34-46.

However, there is really no requirement that one has to believe that Jesus was the Messiah to be ‘saved’. This thing about believing was something that Paul invented. The truth is that there is no solid evidence in the bible that Jesus was the Messiah, in the way that it has been corrupted and the way that the church insists on interpreting it.

According to how the bible is written and how many in the church interpret it, Jesus is disqualified from being the Messiah. Jesus was sent to the Jews and was a Jew himself, born under the Jewish Law. Consequently, to qualify as their Messiah he had to have all of the attributes of all of the Old Testament messianic prophecies as the Jewish Messiah, not to mention the things that were to occur at his coming.

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Isaiah 53

The so-called “Suffering Servant” story of Isaiah 53 has long been by considered Christologists to be a messianic prophecy, or about Jesus the Messiah. There are passages in this chapter that that sound like prophecies about the life and death of the Jesus. However, there are some very problematic parts of it that seem to make it impossible to be a prophecy about the future “sacrifice” of Jesus and more about the nation of Israel. Continue reading

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Lamb Of God Part 2

Is one’s sins forgiven and taken away or not?

This is very confusing. Is one’s sins forgiven and taken away or not? It seems that the bible says both. However, even though God and Jesus forgive sins, the bible shows that one must pay for his own sins. (See: Lamb of God Part 1) If there is no demand of punishment for offenses, then how is it that a man must reap what he sows, receive things done in his body whether good or bad, few or many stripes for unfaithfulness whether worthy of punishment or not? Continue reading

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