Tag Archives: Belief
Manipulation Through Fear
Why Does Fear Exist? Fear is a natural emotion designed to act as a means for protection in this physical world, from dangers and ultimately death. Man is the only creature that has an awareness of his own death and … Continue reading
Jesus promised: “Ye shall KNOW the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32) Paul promised: “That IF thou shalt BELIEVE in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Ro 10:9) … Continue reading
Why the Jews Reject Jesus as Messiah
Why do the Jews not accept Jesus as the Messiah?
Don’t the Jews believe that Jesus was a prophet and a Rabbi sent from God? They do. Don’t they believe in doing good works? They do. According to Jesus those who do this “go into life eternal”. If you don’t believe me read it for yourself: Mat 25:34-46.
However, there is really no requirement that one has to believe that Jesus was the Messiah to be ‘saved’. This thing about believing was something that Paul invented. The truth is that there is no solid evidence in the bible that Jesus was the Messiah, in the way that it has been corrupted and the way that the church insists on interpreting it.
According to how the bible is written and how many in the church interpret it, Jesus is disqualified from being the Messiah. Jesus was sent to the Jews and was a Jew himself, born under the Jewish Law. Consequently, to qualify as their Messiah he had to have all of the attributes of all of the Old Testament messianic prophecies as the Jewish Messiah, not to mention the things that were to occur at his coming.
More on Belief
Belief and Truth — Now these two are almost exact opposites. Belief is accepting something you have little or no evidence of. Belief is subjective, it can be based on feelings or opinions. However, Truth is much different, it is something you KNOW to be a fact because of the evidence — there is no need to believe. Truth is objective, it is what it is no matter what anyone believes, feels or what someone’s opinion is. Truth is Truth regardless of anyone’s opinion. Someone’s opinion may change, but not the Truth — Truth is absolute. Continue reading
How to Know What the Truth Actually Is
I believe that some things it says in the bible are actually true, but that is all it really is… just belief. So, “How to know what the truth actually is ?” The only way is to look deep down inside, and take a sincere and critical look at what you already believe and test everything with Logic. That’s a start. Continue reading
It Takes Belief To Be Deceived — Now if faith is based on belief, and belief is the acceptance of something that is not based on fact or evidence, then there is no substance and there is no evidence. It’s just like salvation from Hell. If you don’t know there is a Hell, and you only accept someone’s opinion that there is a Hell, then you don’t really know there is anything to be saved from. Continue reading
About This Web Site
So the main purpose of this site is to expose the Truth, as I see it, to the world in order to help others who have gone through similar things I have gone through because of the huge amount of lies that have been disseminated over the centuries.
The majority of the quotes I have tried to use as much as possible are from the Authorized King James version of the “Holy Bible”. I use it mainly because this is the bible I was raised on and am accustomed to it. You may find a few samplings of other translations of the Bible, just to try to get a good idea of what the passage or words actually meant in the original. Continue reading
About Me Part 1
First I want to say that life, for all of us, has always been somewhat of a mystery: you know that old question, “why are we here?”, “where did we come from?”, “where are we going after this?”. I never quite got all those questions answered exactly, but over the years, I have started to get a pretty good idea.
Some people think I’m an Atheist – I’m not.
This website is on one point, for the purpose of getting things straight (for one) about what I really believe in, as far as “God” goes.
You know, some people think I’m an Atheist. Well, for the record, let’s get it straight: I’m not. I just believe in God (or what ever you want to call him) in a different way. I think most people have gotten the wrong idea of what God really is. It’s just that what God really is, is very different than what the Bible portrays Him as.
In fact, strangely what we see in the Bible is a god that contradicts Himself and is a very different god in different times to different people. Then to top that off, people have made gods or even “the one true God” of human beings, which is a big mistake. I don’t claim to know what or who God is. I think God is to big and incomprehensible for any human being — to be honest. Continue reading