Tag Archives: truth
The Kingdom of God Part 1
Discovering the Kingdom of God I could never quite understand what the Kingdom of God was, where it was, or how one entered there, until I removed so much misconception that I had about Reality. Believe it or not, it … Continue reading
Manipulation Through Fear
Why Does Fear Exist? Fear is a natural emotion designed to act as a means for protection in this physical world, from dangers and ultimately death. Man is the only creature that has an awareness of his own death and … Continue reading
Jesus promised: “Ye shall KNOW the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32) Paul promised: “That IF thou shalt BELIEVE in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Ro 10:9) … Continue reading
My Message to the World
Wake Up to Reality! The real Truth is that you have to be re-born literally to see the Kingdom of Heaven — just like Jesus said. It’s called “kingdom of God” in the Gospels because God is supposed to be … Continue reading
2000 Years of Darkness
I am a Truth Seeker — I search for the REAL Truth wherever it may be found. The world is full of lies and deceit everywhere you turn — I hope to help change that. Over the last 2000 years the world has been fed lies and half-truths. The Truth movement Jesus sought to create has been poisoned, cut up and modified to a point that it is hardly recognizable as what he started. Continue reading
No Man Can Come to the Father
The truth is universal — not limited to only Christianity., but to the whole world throughout all time. It has been spoken by all prophets of all times that God sent to Man. So when Jesus referred to himself, he was speaking of the truth that he spoke.
In fact, no one can even come to Jesus unless God draws him. So it makes sense that many come to Jesus because they have already come to God! This is exactly the opposite that orthodoxy is teaching. If God draws men to Jesus, it’s usually because they have already come to God first! Continue reading
What is Salvation All About?
A kind of Salvation different than what they expected
Jesus used the expression “everlasting life” more than he used “salvation” since it more accurately portrayed the reality of what he taught. The Jews lived in a time when they were under the oppression of the Romans and they were expecting a long awaited messiah that their scriptures prophesied would come who would deliver them out the the hands of their enemies.
However, though Jesus appeared to be that king and messiah that they were awaiting for God to send them, he didn’t come to bring them quite the type of “deliverance” that they had expected. He wasn’t exactly the kind of king most expected him to be. Unless of course, Jesus actually started a flame that ignited a war that was not recorded in the New Testament, like a lot of original passages that are missing from the Bible. There was the Jewish-Roman War (66-73 CE) that destroyed Jerusalem. But I digress…
Jesus came to bring them the message of salvation rather than deliverance from their enemies. He came to teach them the way to obtain “everlasting life”. This is the kind of salvation that would be “lasting unto the age of the ages” as the expression is literally translated.
But the enemy Jesus came to deliver them from was not Rome, as we see from the history that was left to us. Jesus said that his kingdom wasn’t from this world. The real enemy Jesus came to deliver them from was the god of this world and their own sinful selves — and I might add the bondage to a law that was not written by God, but traditions of men.
How to Know What the Truth Actually Is
I believe that some things it says in the bible are actually true, but that is all it really is… just belief. So, “How to know what the truth actually is ?” The only way is to look deep down inside, and take a sincere and critical look at what you already believe and test everything with Logic. That’s a start. Continue reading
I Just Want the Real Truth
This whole site could go in the dumpster tomorrow if I were convinced that it were all wrong. I’m not afraid or ashamed to say I’m wrong and if I am convinced one day that anything on this site is not the Truth, I won’t hesitate to change it to what is the Truth or even delete it altogether. I only want the real truth — no matter what it is. Continue reading
It Takes Belief To Be Deceived — Now if faith is based on belief, and belief is the acceptance of something that is not based on fact or evidence, then there is no substance and there is no evidence. It’s just like salvation from Hell. If you don’t know there is a Hell, and you only accept someone’s opinion that there is a Hell, then you don’t really know there is anything to be saved from. Continue reading