Tag Archives: Jesus
Because Jesus is Not God
Because Jesus is not God: this means the church fathers had to have invented some incredibly huge lies to deceive millions if not billions of people all over the world throughout the last 20 centuries or so. This has to be one of the reasons there are so many contradictions and inconsistencies in the bible.
But there shall arise after you, men of perverse minds who shall through ignorance or through craft, suppress many things which I have spoken unto you, and lay to me things which I never taught, sowing tares among the good wheat which I have given you to sow in the world. (Gospel of the Nazarenes 44:7)
the enemies of truth and righteousness shall rule in my Name, and set up a kingdom of this world, and oppress the peoples, and cause the enemy to blaspheme, putting for my doctrines the opinions of men, and teaching in my Name that which I have not taught, and darkening much that I have taught by their traditions. (Gospel of the Nazarenes 95:4)
The declarations here are so incredibly huge that it is almost unbelievable to be true. However, so many Christians have heard just the opposite so many times that they believe it and would not even think of questioning it. After all, it’s what the Church teaches and “the Church could never be wrong”.
Jesus Has a God
Jesus not only had a God, but God was his Father. It is impossible that Jesus could be the same person as his Father. The disciples had a God who they differentiated from Jesus. Jesus was known by the entire universe that he was the Son of the most high God and never the most high God Himself.
Probably one of the most striking proofs that Jesus and His Father are not the same person is his presence at the Throne of God. The New Testament tells over 40 times that Jesus would sit or is sitting at the right hand of God on the throne of God. If he is literally at God’s right hand on the throne of God, it would be ridiculous to think that he is also God.
Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God. (Luk 22:69)
Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. (Act 7:56)
How Many Gods?
Those that defend the doctrine of the Trinity use verses to prove that since there is “only one God”, then Jesus must in fact be capital “g”: God. (Just for reference sake, when I say “person” in this article I am not referring to a human being but a person in the grammatical sense of the word or as an entity, especially since God is a spirit, or whatever he is, and not human.)
Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I [am] the first, and I [am] the last; and beside me no God… Is there a God beside me? yea, [there is] no God; I know not [any]. (Isa 44:6-8)
I [am] the LORD, and none else, no God beside me… (Isa 45:5)
…and no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; none beside me. …Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I [am] God, and none else. (Isa 45:21-22)
…and thou shalt know no god but me: for no saviour beside me. (Hos 13:4)
My Father is IN Me
And just as the Father was IN Jesus, he prayed that the Father would be IN them in the same way that he and his Father were one. So was he praying that all his disciples would be God?
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. (Jn 17:21)
No Man Can Come to the Father
The truth is universal — not limited to only Christianity., but to the whole world throughout all time. It has been spoken by all prophets of all times that God sent to Man. So when Jesus referred to himself, he was speaking of the truth that he spoke.
In fact, no one can even come to Jesus unless God draws him. So it makes sense that many come to Jesus because they have already come to God! This is exactly the opposite that orthodoxy is teaching. If God draws men to Jesus, it’s usually because they have already come to God first! Continue reading