Tag Archives: his own sins
Lamb Of God Part 2
Is one’s sins forgiven and taken away or not?
This is very confusing. Is one’s sins forgiven and taken away or not? It seems that the bible says both. However, even though God and Jesus forgive sins, the bible shows that one must pay for his own sins. (See: Lamb of God Part 1) If there is no demand of punishment for offenses, then how is it that a man must reap what he sows, receive things done in his body whether good or bad, few or many stripes for unfaithfulness whether worthy of punishment or not? Continue reading
Posted in What is Salvation?
Tagged blotteth out, chastened, devils, father, Forgiveness, his own sins, iniquity, kingdom of Heaven, perfect, Process of Purification, punishment, reap, righteousness, soweth, Substitutionary Atonement, taken away, transgressions, unbelievers, vicarious
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