Tag Archives: hell
Substitutionary Atonement
This theory makes Jesus into the sacrificial lamb of an ancient Jewish practice in which a lamb (or some other animal) was brought to the priest and was slaughtered — a practice they copied from heathen nations, not commanded by God. “For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices” (Jer 7:22)
Jesus was a type of sacrificial lamb
One problem with this theory is that God never was happy with the practice of animal sacrifice, in fact, he hated it from the very beginning. God did not accept their sacrifices as a expiation (the act of making amends for guilt). God preferred that men repented, forsook their sins and made peace with God directly.
But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. (Jer 7:22-23)
The Lord’s Servant
Many or Few, Countable Words: Periods with an End — Not Eternal
Luke 12:47-48 speaks of the Lord punishing his servants at his return for them with “Many” or “Few” stripes. These words are countable, for example: Many could mean 100 and few could mean 10.
Whether you interpret the punishment as Hell or not, or whether you interpret servants to be believers or not, is beside the point. The point is that the “stripes” or punishment is countable which means that there is an end to the punishment — whatever punishment that is.
Punishment of Lord’s Servant Has an End — NOT Eternal
Christians believe there is an actual place called Hell and that’s where only unbelievers go — for eternity! However, Believers also may go to the same place as unbelievers, according to Jesus. The following verse is an example of just that:
The lord of that servant (a believer) will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. (Lk 12:46)
About My Life Part 1
I want to focus on the parts of my life that relate to the objectives of my writings. I’m writing about things that affected me, basically in a religious sense, that have possibly affected others in the same way and others might be able to relate to.
As a child, sermons about “fire and brimstone” and the “bottomless pit”, spoken of in the bible from a very fiery preacher, were intensely frightening. Here I was, a little kid, in my imagination, lumped together with the fate of those who are destined to fall into that horrendous “bottomless pit”!
Being a little kid and understanding almost nothing of the realities of this world (much less the next one), caused much anxiety and depression and coupled with the outrageous sermons of the fire and brimstone preacher lead me into a deep and withdrawn state, not to mention sleepless nights and horrible nightmares of endlessly falling down a bottomless pit in unimaginable agony — for all eternity, with no chance of getting out — ever! And all this, mind you, in the mind of a sensitive, scared 2nd grader, with no one who could understand me or give me any comfort, much less help!