Tag Archives: death

Manipulation Through Fear

Why Does Fear Exist? Fear is a natural emotion designed to act as a means for protection in this physical world, from dangers and ultimately death. Man is the only creature that has an awareness of his own death and … Continue reading

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Jesus promised: “Ye shall KNOW the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32) Paul promised: “That IF thou shalt BELIEVE in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Ro 10:9) … Continue reading

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The Great Plan Part 2

The Curse? It is said that God put a curse on man because he disobeyed God. I did a search for the word ‘curse’ In the third chapter of Genesis and the only two places that the word was actually used was where He cursed the serpent and then He cursed the ground. But He never directly uses the word curse with the man or with the woman. This is the (supposed) result of the woman’s disobedience: Continue reading

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