Tag Archives: Christian
The Kingdom of God Not Exclusive
The Kingdom of God Is Not Exclusive to Christianity Jesus held that people from all over the world and from many different religions would enter into the Kingdom of God. Christians think that their religion is exclusive in that their … Continue reading
Was Jesus a Christian?
Jesus wasn’t a Christian, but a Jew. The disciples weren’t called Christians until decades after Jesus left Jerusalem. His name wasn’t even Jesus, but Joshua. The word Jesus isn’t even Hebrew. His last name isn’t Christ nor does it mean … Continue reading
Why the Jews Reject Jesus as Messiah
Why do the Jews not accept Jesus as the Messiah?
Don’t the Jews believe that Jesus was a prophet and a Rabbi sent from God? They do. Don’t they believe in doing good works? They do. According to Jesus those who do this “go into life eternal”. If you don’t believe me read it for yourself: Mat 25:34-46.
However, there is really no requirement that one has to believe that Jesus was the Messiah to be ‘saved’. This thing about believing was something that Paul invented. The truth is that there is no solid evidence in the bible that Jesus was the Messiah, in the way that it has been corrupted and the way that the church insists on interpreting it.
According to how the bible is written and how many in the church interpret it, Jesus is disqualified from being the Messiah. Jesus was sent to the Jews and was a Jew himself, born under the Jewish Law. Consequently, to qualify as their Messiah he had to have all of the attributes of all of the Old Testament messianic prophecies as the Jewish Messiah, not to mention the things that were to occur at his coming.
The Trinity – Doctrine of Delusion
From the overwhelming evidence that reveals that the orthodox church has corrupted the scriptures by incorporating the doctrine of the Trinity into them is sufficient motive not only to not believe this false doctrine, but also to reject and doubt any other scripture that leads one in this direction.
From what the church fathers have said, and the most recent discoveries of manuscripts about the very first believers in Jesus was that they didn’t believe Jesus was God nor did there occur a so-called miraculous virgin birth, let alone the trinity that they had never even heard of. It was their position that the gospels were being corrupted by the Roman church and they fought to conserve its purity despite persecution.
Many modern day scholars have found substantial amounts of evidence that confirms what the early Jewish believers had been saying. Even as early as the first and second centuries the gospels were being corrupted to fit the doctrines of the new developing church of Rome.
Isaiah 53
The so-called “Suffering Servant” story of Isaiah 53 has long been by considered Christologists to be a messianic prophecy, or about Jesus the Messiah. There are passages in this chapter that that sound like prophecies about the life and death of the Jesus. However, there are some very problematic parts of it that seem to make it impossible to be a prophecy about the future “sacrifice” of Jesus and more about the nation of Israel. Continue reading