Myths About the Bible

MYTH: Jesus was “only begotten” son of God before his birth. TRUTH: Jesus became the first son of God at his baptism, neither was he begotten in the sense that he was “God incarnate” and second person of the “godhead”. Begotten is figurative here.
MYTH: Jesus was born of a virgin. TRUTH: Mary was not a virgin at the time of Jesus’ birth — this story is a forgery.
MYTH: Jesus’ father was the Holy Ghost. TRUTH: Jesus biological father was Joseph. He had to be in order to be a flesh and blood descendant of King David.
MYTH: Jesus’ royal bloodline was through Mary TRUTH: Jesus’ royal bloodline was through Joseph whose lineage was through Solomon according to the prophecies. Mary was a Levite.
MYTH: Isaiah 7:14 prophesied a virgin would conceive TRUTH: The woman was a prophetess who Isaiah got pregnant (Isa 8:3), also virgin is widely known to be a mistranslation.
MYTH: Mary was a “perpetual” virgin. TRUTH: Mary had sons and daughters including James the brother of Jesus. (Mark 6:3)
MYTH: Trinity is scriptural. TRUTH: The word Trinity does not even exist in the Bible. The only 3 passages referring to the Trinity are all confirmed forgeries.
MYTH: Jesus was the Word [Logos]. TRUTH: “Word” was incorrectly translated from Logos which was adapted from Greek mythology from 400 years before Jesus. ‘Logos’ is a mythological force pertaining to Greek philosophy having nothing to do with Jesus.
MYTH: Jesus was only the Messiah. TRUTH: Jesus was also a high priest and prophet. Moreover, Messiah was meant to be a literal king of the Jews.
MYTH: Mary was a descendant of royal bloodline. TRUTH: Mary’s parents were both Levites.
MYTH: The Messiah’s parents named him Jesus. TRUTH: He was not named Jesus or Emmanuel, but Yeshua or Joshua. No one knows why the Greek name Jesus persists in all English bibles till today.
MYTH: The first gospels were written in Greek around the end of the first century. TRUTH: Matthew wrote the first gospel in Aramaic about 40 AD. (Gospel of the Hebrews) He was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, the writers of the 4 Gospels never even met Jesus.
MYTH: Jesus was God in the flesh. TRUTH: Jesus never claimed to be God, no scriptural proof of this.
MYTH: Holy Ghost is the third person in the Trinity godhead. TRUTH: Only God is holy and God is a spirit. The Holy Spirit is God Himself not another person.
MYTH: St Paul was an apostle. TRUTH: Paul never met Jesus, was rejected by most of the early church and considered by Ebionites apostate from the lawHe was run off by Jewish Christians, excommunicated from the church and lived the rest of his days in Rome — protected by the very empire that persecuted the Christians!
MYTH: St Paul replaced Judas Iscariot. TRUTH: Matthias or Matthew, writer of the gospel of the Hebrews was who replaced Judas, the 12th apostle — not Paul.
MYTH: Paul’s writings were accepted by the early church. TRUTH: Paul’s writings were rejected by most of the Jewish Christians, in the beginning who considered him to be an apostate.
MYTH: Women must keep silence in the church. TRUTH: Jesus had women disciples. In fact, there are writings that state Mary Magdalene was his companion.
MYTH: Salvation not by works of righteousness TRUTH: Jesus taught works of righteousness was necessary to obtain eternal life. (Mt 25)
MYTH: Jesus was cursed by the law. TRUTH: Jesus fulfilled the law and encouraged the Jews to keep the law.
MYTH: Slaves were to be obedient to their masters. TRUTH: Jesus taught to set the slaves free and no one should be called master. Slavery was common in those days.
MYTH: It’s alright to eat meat sacrificed to idols, as Paul said. TRUTH: Jesus condemned animal sacrifice, prohibited his disciples from eating meat. His disciples were all vegetarian.
MYTH: Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. TRUTH: December 25th was a pagan celebration interjected by the Roman Church.
MYTH: Easter is the celebration of resurrection of Christ. TRUTH: Easter was a pagan god. This date has nothing to do with Jesus’ resurrection (or bunnies or chocolate).
MYTH: Sunday is the day of rest. TRUTH: The Sabbath (Saturday) was the holy day that was kept by the early Christians. The Roman Church forced that change later on at the threat of death.
MYTH: Jesus rejected the law of Moses. TRUTH: Jesus taught to keep the law and only rejected traditions of men that were not of God and actually changed some of them. (“but I say unto you…“)
MYTH: Jesus was crucified for claiming he was the son of God. TRUTH: Jesus never claimed to be God. He was murdered because of his teachings that threatened either the Pharisees or the Roman Empire.
MYTH: The bible is inerrant. TRUTH: The bible has many mistranslationsforgeries, contradictions and inconsistencies — largely because of modifications it suffered. It is not considered by many to be historically reliable. However, there is still much Truth that survived.

Next: The Ebionites | Abstaining from Meat Part 1

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