Author Archives: Doug

The Way of Righteousness

In John the phrase “way of righteousness” was removed, evidently because the Pauline doctrine states that salvation is not by works of righteousness. John obviously knew that it was by the way of righteousness that salvation was obtained, but the “correctors” thought it would be a good idea to remove it.

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (Jn 1:29) 

The next day John saw Yeshua coming to him, and said, “Behold the Lamb of God, **which by righteousness** takes away the sin of the world”. (Gospel of the Nazirenes 10:3)

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Gospel Forgery

Eyewitnesses of the Gospels The four gospels that we are familiar with in the New Testament are not actually written by their namesakes — they are anonymous. It is common knowledge that these gospels were written in Greek. The authors … Continue reading

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Blind Faith

Blind Faith is not Really Faith at all

Faith is, or should be, trusting in something that you know to be true, or at least have substantial evidence to base your belief on. If you are trusting in something that you have no way of knowing that it is the truth or at least have sufficient amount of evidence that it is truth, then you could really be deceived. Real faith is trusting in something you have a fairly strong reason to believe to be true, not merely in something that you take for granted.

Believing in something that you just take for granted is the best way to be deceived, and worst of all not even realizing it. Most people today trust in what they have been told by the people in their pulpits or something that they have been taught by someone holding some title, diploma or whatnot, who they merely believe to know what they are telling them is true. Now in some cases this might be a good idea, but when it comes to religion, it may be safer to have a good amount of doubt or suspicion.

The problem is that people today haven’t researched for themselves to see if something is true. If you don’t know it for yourself, you could be, and more than likely are deceived. But It’s really hard to blame them though since there are thousands of people in every corner of the earth with their own version of the truth or what they consider to be the correct interpretation of something assumed to be true.

The bible is not absolute truth nor inerrant. As far as the bible goes, which is supposed to be the absolute standard from which to base everything, is not so absolute. In fact, it is full of contradictions, inconsistencies, forgeries, and has undergone surgery, by dishonest men, to remove parts that the church were considered not viable with the doctrines of the church of the day. What’s worse is that to go back to find out what the original works actually said is impossible since there is none in existence — the original documents have been destroyed or lost. The most recent codexes of the bible go back only to the 4th or 5th centuries, several hundred years removed from the departure of the main writings of Christianity, the writings of the which could have lead us to the actual truths that they taught.

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The Un-Virgin Birth

In the canonical gospels, as the story goes, Jesus is born of a virgin — Mary. The problem with this, however, is that for Jesus to be the Messiah, according to prophesy, must be a flesh and blood descendant of King David. What’s more is he must be of the same lineage of king Solomon, who is of the Royal lineage of kings. This is because he was not only to be The Messiah, but also The King of the Jews.

“And he said unto me, Solomon, thy son (Messiah) shall build my house and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father”. (1Ch 28:6)

The only way that Jesus could possibly be a flesh and blood descendant of king David, is if Jesus’ biological father were Joseph. However, this part of the story was left out (on purpose, obviously) when the authors of the canonical gospels rewrote the gospels of the disciples. These authors were evidently Greek followers of Paul. Continue reading

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John 3:16 Reworded

The New Testament, as it has come down to us today, has so many contradictions and inconsistencies — even within itself. This is not to mention all of the original teachings that were cut out and concepts that were inserted … Continue reading

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Christianity’s Biggest Lie…

“Salvation” from the physical enemies of the Jews became salvation from sin. The method of execution of Jesus for sedition, the cross, became the symbol of salvation from sins and the great symbol of Christianity.

Paul’s teaching of salvation from sin became a replacement for Jesus’ teaching of how to enter the kingdom of God. Paul taught: “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved (not from your enemies, but from the eternal fires of Hell!); for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Now this is not the private type of confession as with a priest in a booth, this is talking about PUBLIC CONFESSION. This type of confession is meant to be an example for others to follow, in order to get new converts for Christianity. Worse yet is the requirement to believe in one’s heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.

It is impossible to know if Jesus even died, let alone know if God actually brought him back to life! Believing is NOT knowing. Belief is required to be deceived. It’s alright to believe something, but to base one’s own salvation on something that could be a lie is dangerous.

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Rebuilding the Temple

According to Jewish messianic prophecy (Eze 43), the Messiah king would rebuild the temple during the messianic age, and there would be peace and understanding of God by the whole world. Very likely, the Romans knew about this prophetic belief … Continue reading

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Deconstruction is the act of examining one’s faith or belief to see for themselves if what they believe is really true and if what they believe is something that rings true for themselves or if that belief is something that … Continue reading

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The Most Important Verse

In my opinion, the most important verse in all the New Testament is the passage where God declares from out of a cloud, at the baptism of John: This is My beloved Son. Hear Him!” (Lk 9:35) This verse can … Continue reading

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Why Reincarnation was Removed from Christianity

Is Reincarnation Really Incompatible with the Bible? Apologists of the Christian Bible use one verse in the Bible to “prove” that reincarnation is incompatible with the Bible. Hebrews 9:27, which says: “And as it is appointed unto men once to … Continue reading

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