The Un-Virgin Birth

In the canonical gospels, as the story goes, Jesus is born to a virgin — Mary. The problem with this, however, is that for Jesus to be the Messiah, according to prophesy, must be a flesh and blood descendant of King David. What’s more is he must be of the same lineage of king Solomon, who is of the Royal lineage of kings. This is because he was not only to be The Messiah, but also The King of the Jews.

“And he said unto me, Solomon, thy son (Messiah) shall build my house and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father”. (1Ch 28:6) – (Messianic Prophesy)

The only way that Jesus could possibly be a flesh and blood descendant of king David, is if Jesus’ biological father were Joseph. However, this part of the story was left out (on purpose, obviously) when the authors of the canonical gospels rewrote the gospels of the disciples. These authors were evidently Greek followers of Paul.

Now the obvious reason they left out a part of the story and made it look like Mary was a virgin when Jesus was born was to push the Church’s false narrative that Jesus was God himself come in the flesh — “God with us”. Moreover, Jesus was supposed to be “God, the Son” (Matthew 28:19) — which has been proven to be a forgery.

Angel Appears to Joseph Also — Not Just Mary

“And in the same day the angel Gabriel appeared unto Ioseph in a dream and said unto him, Hail, Ioseph, thou that art highly favoured, for the Fatherhood of God is with thee. Blessed art thou among men and blessed be the fruit of thy loins.”

(Compare with): “Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ” (Acts 2:30)

Angel Told Joseph He Would be Father of Jesus

“And as Ioseph thought upon these words he was troubled, and the angel of the Lord said unto him, Fear not, Ioseph, thou Son of David, for thou hast found favour with God, and behold thou shalt beget a child, and thou shalt call his name Iesu-Maria (Jesus) for he shall save his people from their sins.”

Then Joseph Had Sex with Mary

“Then Ioseph being raised from sleep did as the angel had bidden him, and went in unto Mary, his espoused bride, and she conceived in her womb the Holy One.” (Gospel of the Holy Twelve 2:9-12)

The Forgery that Made Mary a Virgin in the Eyes of Christians

Now the author of the canonical version of Matthew (not the disciple Matthew, one of the 12 disciples), adds a passage that actually creates a direct contradiction. The original from which this author takes his information is missing the part where it says Joseph went in unto Mary, his espoused bride, and she conceived in her womb the Holy One” and added a forgery that reads:

“Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:”

“And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.” (Mat 1:24,25)

This forgery was made so that it would look like Mary was a virgin until after Jesus was born. However, there is nothing to say that the phase, “took unto him his wife” didn’t mean that he “went in unto Mary“, or had sex with her. But the church has always taught, and people have always believed that it actually meant that Joseph didn’t have sex with her until “after she had brought forth her firstborn son”.

However, if this were the case it would have disqualified Jesus from being the Messiah, since Jesus had to be of royal lineage and a biological son of Joseph to be Messiah, King of the Jews and son of David.

Myths of virgin births and women being impregnated by gods were very common in the first century. And tales of angels appearing and miraculous births were also well known for Old Testament characters such as Melchizedek, Noah and Moses. So readers of the Bible had little difficulty believing such stories as the “virgin birth”.

The So-Called “Immaculate Conception”

The immaculate conception is the catholic dogma that Mary’s conception of Jesus was without sin. This infers that sex is dirty since Mary supposedly conceived without having been with a man. However, as we saw in the gospel of Jesus’ disciples above, Joseph did go in unto Mary (had sex with her), and this is what caused her to become pregnant with Jesus. Sex in itself is not dirty, but blessed by God.

The Incarnation of the Spirit of Jesus

However, it was Mary’s body that produced only the body of Jesus – not his spirit. The physical body comes from the Earth and returns to the Earth when the spirit returns to God from whence it came. This is the way it happens with all Humans — we all incarnate into the body in our mother’s womb.

The physical body of Jesus was not Jesus himself. Jesus came to Earth just as all of us come. His spirit incarnated into the baby that grew in Mary’s womb, and came into this world the same way all other Humans come into this world

What the Early Church Believed

The Early Church believed that Jesus was just a normal man who was the biological son of Joseph; and they rejected the belief that Jesus was divine and was born of a virgin.

Jesus — the Biological Son of Joseph and Mary

“And Iesus began at this time to be thirty years of age, being after the flesh indeed the Son of Ioseph and Mary…” (Gospel of the Holy Twelve 8:8)

“We have found him, Of whom Moses in the law and the Prophets did write, Iesus of Nazareth, the son of Ioseph and Mary” (Gospel of the Holy Twelve 10:8)

“This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Ioseph’s son?” (Gospel of the Holy Twelve 13:3)

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