- It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: The Words I speak unto you THEY are Spirit and THEY are Life. (Jn 6:63)
- I am the Way the Truth and the Life…(Jn 14:6)
Jesus wasn’t physically the Way the Truth and the Life. What he was actually saying was that the WORDS that he taught were the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And it is impossible to even see the kingdom of God unless a man lives those teachings, which are the Way TO the Truth and Life.
Jesus worked so hard to get the focus off of himself and on to his words and his teachings, but Paul and his church became very instrumental in doing the very opposite that Jesus worked so hard to do, which was to get people to just BELIEVE and DO what he taught.
When Jesus said: “He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life…” he was being literal. What he really meant was “he that believes what I teach“. And what one really believes, that he will put into practice. But the church has successfully turned that around and made the focus about Jesus himself, instead of his teachings.
The church wants people to think that “believeth in me” means to accept the MAN Jesus Christ as their “personal savior”, and that’s it. All they need to do is pray the “sinner’s prayer” and they are “saved”. They don’t have to do anything else, because Jesus did it all for them when he “died on the cross for their sins”.
According to them, “God is angry at the sinner every day” and deserves to go to Hell no matter how good he’s tried to be. The “sinner” is basically sinful from the time he is born and can never be good enough to save himself no matter what he does or does not do. The only path to “salvation” is through accepting what “Christ” did for him on the cross.
Supposedly, Jesus came to Earth just to die for the sinner, because man is so wicked and completely and hopelessly lost from birth, and deserves Hell — and there is only one life and only one chance to get it right — and if you don’t get it right the first time… that’s it for eternity! This all couldn’t be further from the Truth!
Brilliant analysis!
Your writing flows like dreams!
This analysis is puzzle mastery!