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Did God Lie?

God and his son who stand for the Truth, the whole time pretending something different to all those that believe in him? He said that God was his Father. He said that God taught him everything that he knew. He said that he only did what his Father told him to do and spoke only the things that his Father told him to say. He said that his Father gave him all power and authority over all things. He said he came from his Father and would return to His Father.

Alright, now don’t they take this thing a little too far if they mean that Jesus is really God, but now he’s sitting at the right hand of his Father? Now if Jesus is really God, and he’s sitting at the right hand of… God? That’s really strange. He’s sitting at the right hand of… himself? Christianity pushes this concept on it’s believers and since it is a doctrine that is so hard to swallow, they teach that it’s a “mystery”. I can’t see how such a simple, literal, logical thing can be a mystery. Actually that’s the excuse that they put on their strange doctrine of the “Trinity” since it is so hard for people to understand — and with good reason! It’s not true! Continue reading

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