Tag Archives: Roman empire

Paul is Rejected by the Churches

Paul avoids Asia where the Churches have all turned against him Paul decides to go to Jerusalem to be there for the day of Pentecost. In Greece he spends only 3 months since the Jewish believers are waiting for a chance to kill him.

He knows that it’s dangerous for him to go to Jerusalem since there are those who would like to see him dead; he is begged by his followers not to go there. He has determined that he would not spend the time in Asia on his way. This is most probably because all the churches in Asia turned against him.

Now remember, it is James that says that it is the believing Jews, the Jewish Christians that are against Paul. Then they get all the people riled up against Paul saying, “Hey this is that liar that is teaching against the law and polluting our holy temple by bringing those filthy Greeks in here!”

A whole lot of Jews came together and they dragged him out of the temple and shut the doors and were beating Paul and about to kill him when he was saved by the Roman soldiers just in time. The soldiers had to hold him up so that the angry people wouldn’t kill him.

Paul lies again to save his skin!

And the Jews now are so upset with Paul they are bound with an oath to kill him. Finally he is send to Felix since he can’t get a fair trial. Paul tells Felix that he is being accused of heresy and that these are all trumped up charges against him and that he was doing nothing more than praying in the temple.

Of course, Paul doesn’t tell them why the people really wanted to kill him: teaching against the law and Moses and that the Jews should not keep their customs — which would have been heresy, to the Jews. If they had been convinced of this, it may have been enough for the Romans to have him executed.

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Who Created the Heavens and the Earth?

According to Philo Jesus is the Logos it and, as it says in John chapter 1 he calls the Logos “the first-born of God”. If he is the first-born, then he is a creation of God.

Therefore, Jesus is not eternal and cannot be God. If Jesus had been given all power — he didn’t always have the power. So he is a creation of God and could not have been the creator of heaven and Earth.

The idea of the “Word” in the first chapter of John about the Logos is absent in the other gospels; it is a Greek concept, foreign to the early Christians and is definitely not a part of the gospels taught by Jesus and the apostles. Theoretically, the Logos would be (translated) the Word, a concept which only exists in Greek philosophy. Continue reading

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