Tag Archives: out of context
My Father is IN Me
And just as the Father was IN Jesus, he prayed that the Father would be IN them in the same way that he and his Father were one. So was he praying that all his disciples would be God?
That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. (Jn 17:21)
The writer of Matthew quoted this segment of the book of Micah as if it were fulfillment of prophecy that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem of Judaea. But was the prophet speaking about a Messiah king centuries into the future? And Micah doesn’t say Bethlehem of Judaea he says Bethlehem Ephratah — is it even the same city? Is it even a city? This could be a person.
Jesus was definitely NOT a political leader.
If “Governor” specifically referred to the Messiah, king of the Jews, who the Jews were expecting to come, how could this “Governor” or “Ruler” or “Prince” be Jesus? But is Micah here actually prophesying about the Messiah? A governor or ruler is a political leader — which Jesus was definitely not, at least not according to New Testament writings.
Slaughter of the Innocents
This whole passage of scripture is not only taken out of context and purposely interpreted incorrectly, but also quoted AS IF it were prophecy about a future event in Bethlehem — which it is NOT.
Taken out of context, misinterpreted and NOT even a prophecy: A LIE!
This whole passage of scripture is not only taken out of context and purposely interpreted incorrectly, but also quoted AS IF it were prophecy about a future event in Bethlehem — which it is NOT.
Flight Into Egypt
This is a forgery that is pretty easy to unravel. In Matthew 2, as the story is told, the terrible, murderous king Herod hears rumors about Jesus who is born, and according to messianic prophecy would messiah king of the Jews.
So, according to the story, God warns Joseph, baby Jesus’s father, in a dream to “flee into Egypt” so that Herod won’t be able to find the baby and kill him. And this is supposedly why there is this so-called prophecy: “Out of Egypt have I called my son.”
Israel, “God’s son”, did in fact worship idols — Jesus was not an idolater, according to what we read in the Gospels. Therefore, this passage of scripture couldn’t possibly refer to Jesus. In fact, this passage was NOT even a prophecy! Continue reading