Tag Archives: mashiach”:

Christ or Messiah?

Those disciples were Greek converted by Paul. This conversion was decades after the crucifixion. Paul never met Jesus. The word Christ is Greek and was adopted by the Greek writers into their Gospels. Why is it that the Jewish Messiah is always referred to as Jesus, the Christ and never Jesus the Messiah? Continue reading

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December 25, Whose Birthday?

Christmas is supposed to be a warm, happy time of year for people, but not for me. Since I was a kid I have always had an aversion to it. It seems odd to me that when Christmas came around each year I would have a depressed feeling. I guess it shouldn’t seem odd, since it was the confusing, materialistic spirit of Christmas that really got me down. Finally, I think I understand why I would always feel that way. Call me Scrooge or call me a heretic, but I can no longer accept or celebrate Christmas. Continue reading

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The Trinity and Serapis Christus

And it came to pass, that a whole year _they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)

Evidently, the name Christian was born from the association with worshipers of the Serapis “Christus” cult. It was said that the Bishops of the cult were called “Christians”. It appears that some of the concepts of the Christianity were adopted from cult of Serapis Christus: the name Christianity, the Trinity (three in one god Serapis) and Bishops. The word bishop was not known with the early Jewish believers. Religious leaders of the early church were known as priests or rabbi, as it had been for many years before.  Continue reading

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The Name Jesus Christ

In Jesus’s case it’s not clear since in one gospel he was born in Bethlehem and in another it seems he was born in Nazareth, or at least that’s where people assumed he was born since he is known, even until today as “Jesus of Nazareth”. So what should he be called?

At any rate, the Greek word that Christ comes from: Christos, does not mean messiah, contrary to popular belief and teaching. But it means the “anointed one” — or something close to that.

The word in Hebrew for messiah is “mashiach”. For the Jews, from whom came the Messianic prophesies, the idea of “mashiach” is not a savior, but a great human leader like King David. Now when I say human, that means the Messiah will be a human being, not a god come in the flesh, born of a virgin.

The word in Hebrew for messiah is “mashiach”:

“The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior” (httpss://www.jewfaq.org/mashiach)

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