Tag Archives: impossible
Jesus promised: “Ye shall KNOW the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32) Paul promised: “That IF thou shalt BELIEVE in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Ro 10:9) … Continue reading
Posted in Belief and Truth
Tagged Belief, control, dead, death, deceived, deserved, eternity, evidence, exclusivity, fact, fear, good works, grave, hell, imagination, impossible, knowledge, lie, manipulate, obligation, proof, righteous living, salvation, speculation, spirit, truth, will of God
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Isaiah 53
The so-called “Suffering Servant” story of Isaiah 53 has long been by considered Christologists to be a messianic prophecy, or about Jesus the Messiah. There are passages in this chapter that that sound like prophecies about the life and death of the Jesus. However, there are some very problematic parts of it that seem to make it impossible to be a prophecy about the future “sacrifice” of Jesus and more about the nation of Israel. Continue reading
Posted in Who Was Jesus
Tagged afflicted, biased, Christian, Christologists, collective, crucifixion, Cut off, diseased, father, God, impossible, inconsistent, influence, iniquity, innocent, innocent lamb, intentional mistranslation, interpretation, Isaiah, isolated, Jesus the Messiah, land of the living, messianic, messianic prophecy, mouth, my servant, my servant: O Israel, nation of Israel, offspring, peace, pleasure, punishment, Scorned, shearers, son, spoils, stricken, subsitutionary atonement, Substitutionary Atonement, Suffering Servant, translation, trial, whipped, wicked, wickedness
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