Tag Archives: holy ghost

The Trinity and Serapis Christus

And it came to pass, that a whole year _they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)

Evidently, the name Christian was born from the association with worshipers of the Serapis “Christus” cult. It was said that the Bishops of the cult were called “Christians”. It appears that some of the concepts of the Christianity were adopted from cult of Serapis Christus: the name Christianity, the Trinity (three in one god Serapis) and Bishops. The word bishop was not known with the early Jewish believers. Religious leaders of the early church were known as priests or rabbi, as it had been for many years before.  Continue reading

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The Trinity – Doctrine of Delusion

From the overwhelming evidence that reveals that the orthodox church has corrupted the scriptures by incorporating the doctrine of the Trinity into them is sufficient motive not only to not believe this false doctrine, but also to reject and doubt any other scripture that leads one in this direction.

From what the church fathers have said, and the most recent discoveries of manuscripts about the very first believers in Jesus was that they didn’t believe Jesus was God nor did there occur a so-called miraculous virgin birth, let alone the trinity that they had never even heard of. It was their position that the gospels were being corrupted by the Roman church and they fought to conserve its purity despite persecution.

Many modern day scholars have found substantial amounts of evidence that confirms what the early Jewish believers had been saying. Even as early as the first and second centuries the gospels were being corrupted to fit the doctrines of the new developing church of Rome.

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About My Life

I want to focus on the parts of my life that relate to the objectives of my writings. I’m writing about things that affected me, basically in a religious sense, that have possibly affected others in the same way and others might be able to relate to.

As a child, sermons about “fire and brimstone” and the “bottomless pit”, spoken of in the bible from a very fiery preacher, were intensely frightening. Here I was, a little kid, in my imagination, lumped together with the fate of those who are destined to fall into that horrendous “bottomless pit”!

Being a little kid and understanding almost nothing of the realities of this world (much less the next one), caused much anxiety and depression and coupled with the outrageous sermons of the fire and brimstone preacher lead me into a deep and withdrawn state, not to mention sleepless nights and horrible nightmares of endlessly falling down a bottomless pit in unimaginable agony — for all eternity, with no chance of getting out — ever! And all this, mind you, in the mind of a sensitive, scared 2nd grader, with no one who could understand me or give me any comfort, much less help!

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