Tag Archives: foreshadowing

Animal Sacrifice

God hated animal sacrifices, burnt offerings was never commanded by God and would not accept them. It is impossible that the execution of Jesus could be compared to the sacrifice of animals or take the place of this bloody ritual that God hated nor could it even take away sins — only obedience to the will of God and doing his commands could ever give man peace with God. Nothing can ever “take away” sins, but repentance and making amends for sin is the only way to receive remission and forgiveness of sin

Jeremiah who makes abundantly clear that the shedding of blood of animals can never take away sins. The writer of Hebrews says: “is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins… which can never take away sins”.

The Way to be Right with God

If the blood of innocent animals can never take away sins, then how can the blood of one innocent man (Jesus) take away the sins of the world of all time? But this is what REALLY makes one right with God:

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