Tag Archives: dissimulation

The Gospel According to Saint Paul

Paul preached a gospel that was completely different and contrary to the gospel that Jesus brought (this you will see clearly later on in this series). And he is teaching the gentiles that they should reject the gospel of Jesus disciples and saying that their gospel is of Satan! It’s not a wonder that the Jewish Christians regarded Paul as an apostate and a heretic and they rejected him!

It’s Paul who actually has his own gospel and preaches another Jesus. He teaches doctrines that are completely contrary to what Jesus taught

According to “My Gospel”

“In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.” – Romans 2:16

“Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel…” – Romans 16:25

“…Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:” – 2 Timothy 2:8

Remember, the Jewish Believers in Jesus had the Gospel of the Hebrews, written by Matthew, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus (who Paul never even met), and only followed it and completely disregarded the gospels that Paul’s Greek followers wrote.

We know that the Gospel of the Hebrews was written in Aramaic and the four gospels that were chosen by the Orthodox Church to be included in the Bible were written in Greek. We also know that Matthew’s gospel existed since the church fathers spoke of it and quoted from it. Unfortunately, it is nowhere to be found today.

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