Tag Archives: Dead Sea Scrolls

Paul Teaches Contrary to Jesus

Though Jesus came to fulfill the law, he definitely preached against things that were merely the Jewish traditions and not the law of God. Not to justify Paul, but the Jewish Christians were not so much against him preaching against the law of Moses, but for preaching that one didn’t need “works of righteousness” to be saved.

This is obvious when we read the works of righteousness that Jesus listed in Matthew 25. To sum up Matthew 25: the “goats” who did not do works of righteousness went away into “everlasting punishment, but the righteous who did do good works went into “life eternal”.

He directly contradicted the teachings of Jesus and his apostles (of which he was not). Paul was rejected by all the churches in Asia and in Israel for his false teachings. He was forced to leave those areas and focus his “ministry” to the gentiles who were mainly Greeks and Romans in and around Italy, where his false doctrines were accepted and his form of Christianity became strong with the support of the Roman government. Continue reading

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Nazarene Gospel Authentic?

Is this Gospel words spoken by Jesus? I must admit that after reading a good portion of the “Gospel of the Nazirenes” — or the “Gospel of the Holy Twelve”, as it is also called — I kind of thought that it was going to be a hoax or another invention of a cult. Having been exposed to so many forgeries, fakes and fabrications I just about passed this one off as another. Continue reading

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