Tag Archives: curse

The Great Plan Part 2

The Curse? It is said that God put a curse on man because he disobeyed God. I did a search for the word ‘curse’ In the third chapter of Genesis and the only two places that the word was actually used was where He cursed the serpent and then He cursed the ground. But He never directly uses the word curse with the man or with the woman. This is the (supposed) result of the woman’s disobedience: Continue reading

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The Great Plan Part 1

They start with the assumption that God didn’t know what He was doing when He created man and man was a perfect, sinless creature who “fell from grace” and was cursed. They assume that God expected Man to be perfect and live forever, but he blew it — he went and sinned! He screwed the whole thing up for all the rest of us!

It seems (from most Christians’ point of view) that God did not expect man to disobey and eat from the forbidden tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and that man did know the difference between what was right and wrong. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Continue reading

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