Tag Archives: corrupting the Scriptures
Famous Church Fathers
Corrupting the Gospels
“There are some who corrupt the Gospel histories, and who introduce heresies opposed to the meaning of the doctrine of Jesus” (Origen)
“…only those persons who were concerned in the fraud should, in equity, be held answerable for it” (Origen)
…admit of various and almost indefinite readings … because “the original text of the Gospels” has been altered to coincide and substantiate the doctrines of the Gentile converts in an attempt to prove their tenets of belief.” (Celsus) Continue reading
Posted in Biblical Corruption
Tagged adding others, adulterate, apostles of the devil, authority, changing a reading, compose fictions, conceal, contradictions, Corrupting, corrupting the Scriptures, corruptions, criticism, deceit, deceive, early church father, exchanging, Fables, falsely inscribed, Fiction, forgery, fraud, fraud and forgery, great mischief, heresies, heretics, impunity, inconsistencies, invention, less they comprehend, lie, lies, little jargon, mischievous intention, monstrous fiction, necessary to deceive, no such writings, opposed to the meaning, removed whole sections, veritable fables
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