Tag Archives: control
Jesus promised: “Ye shall KNOW the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32) Paul promised: “That IF thou shalt BELIEVE in thine heart that God hath raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Ro 10:9) … Continue reading
The Lord’s Servant
Many or Few, Countable Words: Periods with an End — Not Eternal
Luke 12:47-48 speaks of the Lord punishing his servants at his return for them with “Many” or “Few” stripes. These words are countable, for example: Many could mean 100 and few could mean 10.
Whether you interpret the punishment as Hell or not, or whether you interpret servants to be believers or not, is beside the point. The point is that the “stripes” or punishment is countable which means that there is an end to the punishment — whatever punishment that is.
Punishment of Lord’s Servant Has an End — NOT Eternal
Christians believe there is an actual place called Hell and that’s where only unbelievers go — for eternity! However, Believers also may go to the same place as unbelievers, according to Jesus. The following verse is an example of just that:
The lord of that servant (a believer) will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. (Lk 12:46)
Reincarnation in Early Christianity
Despite the orthodox church’s efforts to stamp out the doctrine, it continued to exist. Probably the main reasons for its longevity is not due to only the writings of Jesus and others, but the simple fact that this doctrine gives a logical explanation to many of the mysteries of life that can be solved no other way. Most importantly, it helps to give answers to some of the most basic questions in life such as: “Why am I here?”; “What happens after I die?”; “Who am I really”; “What am I supposed to do?”; etc.
The idea was that the church could use the fear of Hell to create a dependence of the people on the Church for salvation and the guidance of the Empire. The emperor fell for the reasoning of the churchmen and realized that Origen’s teachings presented a danger to his control over the people. Therefore, the emperor had the doctrine of reincarnation and pre-existence with God condemned. In 543, Origen was condemned as a heretic and all of his writings were burned. Continue reading
The Main Takeaways
- Don’t believe everything you hear or read, whether it be from the pulpit, the TV or even the Bible.
- Trust in the still small voice that speaks to you from deep inside — that’s where the real truth comes from.
- Believing a lie is the same as being deceived. It takes belief to be deceived.
- Use critical thinking. Judge everything by logic. If it is true, it will pass the test of Logic and reason.