Tag Archives: atheist

About Me Part 2

Be a Critical Thinker and Question All Things — I don’t just take for granted things I have always been taught. I analyze, question and search for my own answers. I want to know the REAL TRUTH. Who am I? I am just normal guy (just like you!) who believes that I have the right to the Truth without having to be bound to someone else’s teachings just because they have some great title, degree or credentials that somehow give them license to be the owners of what they say is the truth.

Why should I have to believe what anyone else says who calls themselves an authority or theologian or preacher or some self-proclaimed prophet or whoever? I believe that each person can speak to God directly and that God wants to have communication with us as his own sons and daughters.

You don’t even have to believe what I say! Look it up for yourself. Search for the truth for yourself. And above all, question, question, question. Be a critical thinker!

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About Me Part 1

First I want to say that life, for all of us, has always been somewhat of a mystery: you know that old question, “why are we here?”, “where did we come from?”, “where are we going after this?”. I never quite got all those questions answered exactly, but over the years, I have started to get a pretty good idea.
Some people think I’m an Atheist – I’m not.

This website is on one point, for the purpose of getting things straight (for one) about what I really believe in, as far as “God” goes.

You know, some people think I’m an Atheist. Well, for the record, let’s get it straight: I’m not. I just believe in God (or what ever you want to call him) in a different way. I think most people have gotten the wrong idea of what God really is. It’s just that what God really is, is very different than what the Bible portrays Him as.

In fact, strangely what we see in the Bible is a god that contradicts Himself and is a very different god in different times to different people. Then to top that off, people have made gods or even “the one true God” of human beings, which is a big mistake. I don’t claim to know what or who God is. I think God is to big and incomprehensible for any human being — to be honest. Continue reading

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