Hitler believed that it was necessary to tell the biggest lies possible to get people to believe him. The idea is that people won’t believe that you would dare tell such a big lie, so it just has to be the truth. But you don’t even have to go even that far back to find an example of that. A former politician used the same strategy to get people to support him. He told such obviously false lies that were so huge that he ended up getting an enormously large following of faithful supporters who beLIEve his every word — but are sincerely deceived by him.
Another tactic liars will use to get people to believe their lies is to keep telling the same lie over and over. The more times people hear a lie, sometimes even believing it is a lie, the more possible that people will believe the lie. Over the centuries the same lies have been told, over and over, and today people hold strong convictions that the lies they believe are the actual truth — without even questioning whether is really is true or factual. However, some people are starting to question what they believe is really the Truth. This practice is called deconstruction.
Remember: belief is necessary to be deceived. Without belief it is impossible to be deceived. Truth is based on fact, and Truth is able to withstand the test of Logic. If it isn’t logical, it may not be true. Be skeptical of anyone who uses ideas that are not logical or not based on fact.
The Bible: Corrupted
It’s impossible to know exactly what the real Truth was about history. They say that history is written by the winners. But winners seldom tell the whole truth. They tell their story the way they want people to believe, who will read it in the future — that is the case of the Bible.
Written words are real things, they have power over the minds of people — masses of people. Written words make it easy to influence, manipulate and control masses of people to the ends of those who wrote the words. How many times have scientists uncovered previously unknown facts that made it necessary to rewrite history? What about facts that were purposely covered up and corrupted to hide inconvenient Truths?
It has constantly been stated that the Bible is the inerrant, incorruptible, inspired Word of God. But is it? It is like sacrilege to challenge this sacred belief… and that is all it is: belief. Because all we have are written words in an old book, that has undergone many translations, various versions of translations, corrections, and copies of copies of copies… but still only belief. It is a belief treated as if it were the true, inspired Word of God — by most Christians.
However, there are many that do challenge this belief, and have proven that the Bible is far from inerrant and perfect and that much of it is NOT inspired by God, but merely the words of men.
There is no way to actually prove how much of it or even exactly what was changed, since the original manuscripts are either non-existent or not available to be compared with — for reasons already stated.
The most recent manuscripts available are from the fourth century, but an original gospel written by Matthew, who personally knew Jesus and his disciples, only a few years after Jesus’ crucifixion, actually did exist — we know this from the writings of the church fathers themselves.
What the Early Church Really Believed
However, the original manuscript and the copies used by the early church mysteriously disappeared. Moreover, writings by Jesus’ closest disciples (except for maybe… John) were not even included in the “authorized version” of the Bible which was the only holy book recognized by the official religion of Rome — Christianity. Contrary to popular opinion, the Early Church did not use the official Bible of the Church in Rome, as they considered it corrupted, but used exclusively the Gospel of the Hebrews written by Matthew.
The Foundation of Christianity
Christianity, as we all know, is basically based on the four Gospels and Paul’s epistles written in Greek. The story of the main character in all four gospels is about Jesus. Christianity is dependent on the story about Jesus’ life, what and who he is and what he did for humanity (not to mention, Paul’s epistles and his personal interpretations).
- First, Jesus was believed to be the Messiah of Old Testament prophecy.
- Second, he is believed to be “God, the Son”, the second person of the “Trinity”.
- Third, he is believed to be the only “Savior” of the world, who takes away all the sins of the world of all time of those that believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess him with their mouth.
According to Christianity, Jesus is the only path to the “One True God” and salvation. There is no other name by which one must be saved and Christianity is the only true religion in the world, all others are false. All those who follow any other religion other than Christianity go to a horrible fate in Hell for all eternity.
Now, not all sects of Christianity support all three pillars. The non-trinitarians for example, do not believe that the Trinity is a sound biblical doctrine, etc., but Christianity in general see these three pillars as fundamental to their religion.
Generally speaking, there are three major foundational pillars upon which the Christian religion is built:
1. Jesus is the Messiah.
2. Jesus is God, the Son.
3. Jesus is the savior of the world and the only way to the “true God”.
Jesus the Messiah — At His Coming
- Jesus as Messiah failed the main requirement since according to Christianity itself his mother was a virgin, and the Messiah was to be a flesh and blood descendant through the lineage of King Solomon. (that is, if she was actually a virgin)
- Jesus as king of the Jews failed to deliver the Jewish people from their enemies, the Romans — an important prophecy the Messiah/King was supposed to fulfill.
- He was supposed to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem — where an Islamic temple stands to this day.
- There was to be peace and prosperity over all the Earth.
- All the tribes of Israel were to be gathered together back to their own land.
- The righteousness of God would reign in all the world.
- All humanity would be unified in the universal knowledge of the God of Israel.
Obviously none of these prophecies came to pass at his first (and only) coming. Conveniently, in light of some of these discrepancies, there is supposed to be a “second coming” in which he could possibly fulfill some of them — if (or when ) he were to return. Nevertheless, the first two requirements will be forever impossible to fulfill.
Jesus as “God the Son” in the Godhead of the Holy Trinity
- Concept of the Trinity in the Bible is a proven forgery.
- This dogma was invented at sometime around the beginning of the 3rd century, but it was not taught by Jesus nor his disciples in the 1st century.
- The Early Church did not accept the idea that Jesus was God, but merely a very righteous teacher sent from God.
Jesus as the Savior of the World and Christian Exclusivism
- Paul, founder of Christianity, taught the path to salvation was a free gift of God and not through works of righteousness. Paul’s epistles teach that we only have one life to get it right, and there is nothing we can be or do, except to accept Jesus as “savior”. No matter how good you are, no matter how many works of righteousness you do, you can never merit salvation — you can’t do it yourself. In Christianity, Jesus is the “savior” — he’s the only one that can save you.
- Jesus taught that the only way to enter the kingdom of heaven was through righteousness, good works and doing the will of God. If our own works and action is what “saves”, over a period of many lifetimes, then it is not Jesus who is responsible for our salvation, but in fact it is we ourselves that work out our own salvation. And as such, Jesus was not the “savior” as Christianity teaches.
- Billy Graham, considered to be one of Christianity’s greatest evangelists, said he thought we would see people from many different religions in heaven. Which indicates that salvation is much more than merely believing in the name of Jesus:
“They may not even know the name of Jesus but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don’t have, and they turn to the only light they have, and I think that they are saved and they are going to be with us in heaven.” (Billy Graham)
“…God will decide who is saved and who is lost.” (Billy Graham)
Graham must have studied the teachings of Jesus who said that salvation is achieved (not freely given) through righteous living, good works and doing the will of God. By what Graham said it sounded like he seemed to believe, in his later years in life, that there must be much more to salvation than merely belief in Jesus.
Paul: The Real Founder of Christianity
Paul, a man who never even met Jesus, set himself up as head of the Early Church, demonizing the main three pillars of the Church that Jesus himself chose as its leadership: James, Peter and John. Paul’s own gospels (“according to my gospel”) and his own teachings and interpretations. Paul’s Christianity became the foundation of the official Church of Rome. The original Early Church was persecuted by the Church at Rome and its members were either forced to be absorbed into Christianity or scattered forming splinter groups such as Gnosticism and others.
It’s not that there isn’t any Truth or original teachings of Jesus in the New Testament — there is, obviously. But the unfortunate thing is that so much important Truth was “carved” out, forgeries inserted and corruptions intentionally made to fit into the agenda of the Roman Church, that a great darkness covered humanity — in large part because of Paul’s Christianity.