God: Logic, Reason And Rationality

When I look all around me at all of God’s creation I see a true consistency in everything. What’s more is I see logic, reason, and rational behavior in everything. Why should I not then, assume that God, whom I can not see and I must take on faith, has the very same attributes?

Why must I believe and accept someone else’s take on what God is like when they get their ideas all from others who have gotten their ideas from those who have an idea of what God is like from their own interpretation of the Bible or others? The Bible itself says:

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made… (Rom 1:20)

What that verse means to me is that we know what God is like by looking at the things he’s made. I haven’t seen anything in God’s creation that is not logical, unreasonable or irrational.

Next: My Message to the World

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