About Me Part 2

Be a Critical Thinker and Question All Things

I don’t just take for granted things I have always been taught. I analyze, question and search for my own answers. I want to know the REAL TRUTH. Who am I? I am just normal guy (just like you!) who believes that I have the right to the Truth without having to be bound to someone else’s teachings just because they have some great title, degree or credentials that somehow give them license to be the owners of what they say is the truth. That’s what I call real freedom.

Why should I have to believe what anyone else says who calls themselves an authority or theologian or preacher or some self-proclaimed prophet or whoever? I believe that each person can speak to God directly and that God wants to have communication with us as his own sons and daughters.

You don’t even have to believe what I say! Look it up for yourself. Search for the truth for yourself. And above all, question, question, question. Be a critical thinker!

God is logical. If you’re not sure about something, put it to the test of logic. If it’s true it will pass the test of logic. Like the Bible says, “Prove all things”. And I have disproven a lot of things that I was taught were truths, for years! I am constantly deconstructing a building that was built on sinking sand and trying to rebuild it on a rock solid foundation.

If you like reading articles here, it might be a good thing to re-read some of the articles over from time to time since I am always praying and searching for the REAL TRUTH, whatever that may be.

When I realize that I had some belief that was not correct, because of my upbringing or religious indoctrination or for whatever reason, I will go in and remove something that I found to not be correct and replace it with what is correct and true.

I’m not afraid or ashamed of admitting I’m wrong about something when I know I’m wrong. Since I am only human I don’t know all the Truth and I am progressing just like all truth-seekers. But I don’t want to be deceived or teach something incorrect to someone else. This is a very serious warning:

  • Be not many teachers, my brethren, knowing that we shall receive greater judgment. (Jas 3:1)

But the other side of this is:

“Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:

but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Mat 5:19)

Know that you can always count on me that I will pray and try to be sincere and teach only what I strongly believe to be the REAL TRUTH, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth — so help me God!

Don’t Get Me Wrong

I know there are a lot of shocking things said on this site and a lot of things that most people will not agree on. But that does not mean that I am an atheist or an agnostic or even against God, Jesus or the Bible. There is Truth everywhere. If you search for it, you will find it.

I am one searching for what I call: REAL TRUTH. In my search I have found much evidence that leads me to believe very strongly that there are a lot of things that we have been taught that are not true and many things that were not originally in the bible that have been inserted and things that were meant to be there but were taken out.

I have been reading the bible all my life and I have always felt something very strange while reading — it was as if something were missing. And some things that I read seemed to definitely contradict other things or were not consistent.

I would like my readers to know:

  • I do believe in the one true God who is one.

  • I believe in the teachings that Jesus actually spoke. (it’s not always clear what he actually did say)

  • I believe that the bible contains much truth, but much Truth has also been taken away or corrupted.

  • It’s obvious to me that many things were purposely added to and/or changed in the bible after it was originally written and many things that were originally written that were cut out.

  • I believe that all mankind will eventually be “saved” (I’m not sure what “saved” means, but I have my own idea of what it is.) and return to God.

  • I believe that God wants to speak to all men directly and that his ears are open to all those who come to him with their whole heart and with a clean spirit.

  • I consider myself to be “truth seeker” — I believe there are still some original teachings and commandments of Jesus. If, according to definition, being a Christian means: I have to believe that Jesus was God and that the bible is inerrant, then according to that definition I am not.
  • If I had to put myself in some category, I think I would be, most like the earliest Jewish Christians who were of the sect of the Nazarene and the Ebionites, an Adoptionist, who lived by the true, unadulterated Truth that Jesus actually DID teach.


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